
Lucas D. Ellis

2019 - 2021 - Director's Fellow, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

2018 - Ph.D. Chemical Engineering, University of Colorado - Boulder

2011-2013 - Research Associate II, Mascoma Corporation

2011 - M.S. Engineering Sciences, Dartmouth College

2008 - Research Technician III, University of Maine

2007 - B.S. Chemical Engineering Focus (Engineering), California Polytechnic State University - SLO

Google Scholar: Link

ORCID: 0000-0001-6026-1825 

Hello!  I’m Lucas Ellis.  I was born and raised in Bangor, Maine, graduating from Bangor High School a long time ago.  I have always been motivated to improve our society’s environmental sustainability.  Early in my education I was motivated to make biodiesel from waste vegetable oil and helped launch a new student club intending to do just that at my college campus.  Later in my career, I went on to become one of the four co-founding members of the Next Generation Scientists for Biodiesel, an educational organization sponsored by the National Biodiesel Board.  This excitement around biofuels led me to work at a cellulosic ethanol start-up company researching pretreatment technologies at both the bench and pilot-scale between 2011-2013.  It was a wonderful experience in industry, sparking excitement for a career in research and development.  These experiences helped ground my R&D interests in practical real-world impact, but with research questions that focus on fundamentals.  Research in the Ellis group continues this theme with R&D projects that seek to make real-world impact through fundamental discoveries.


If you’re interested in learning more, please email:

Graduate Students

As of Spring 2024

Dimitri Gatzios

B.S. Chemical Engineering, University of Iowa

Ph.D. Student, Target Defense Date: Spring 2026

Hey everybody! I’m Dimitri, born and raised in Bellevue, Iowa, a peaceful town near the Mississippi River. I completed my undergraduate education at the University of Iowa, majoring in chemical engineering with a focus on sustainability. In my free time, I like to hike and experience nature, stay in shape, practice playing my piano, and trying new things to cook.


My research focuses on understanding the structure-property relationship of promoters that improve heterogeneous olefin metathesis catalysts. This type of reaction can be used to address certain chemical shortages and to chemically break down plastics to useful products.

Coleman Jennewein

B.S. Chemical Engineering, Purdue University

Post-Baccalaureate Intern - National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Ph.D. Student, Target Defense Date: Spring 2028

Undergraduate Students

As of Spring 2024

Andreas Palmateer

Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Major

Target Graduation Date: June 2025

I was born in upstate New York and grew up in Salem, Oregon. I am in my second year of a BS in chemical engineering from Oregon State University's Honors College, and I'm involved in several on-campus organizations such as the Honors College Student Association and the College of Engineering Ambassadors.  I enjoy hiking, surfing, and camping. When the weather isn't nice enough to do these activities, I also love spending time with my dogs, weightlifting, or reading a good sci-fi novel. 

Andrew Tran

Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Major

Target Graduation Date: June 2026

Hi guys! I’m Andrew Tran, I was born and raised in Hillsboro, Oregon. I’m currently in my first year aiming towards a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering at Oregon State University. When I’m not in school I like to play tennis, go bowling, try out new food places or cook something new myself, and explore nature and new locations. I hope to travel outside the country to some Asian or European countries.

Jose Naranjo Mendez

Undergraduate Chemical Engineering & BioResource Research Major

Target Graduation Date: June 2025

Buenas!, I’m Jose Naranjo Mendez and I was born and raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico. I’m a sophomore Chemical Engineering student studying Bioresource research. I’m involved in promoting campus diversity and inclusion as an Event Coordinator for the Griggs Center and an Academic Learning Assistant working with the Nia/Munk-Skukum LLC. On my off time, I enjoy listening to music and understanding different artistic expressions found in different genres, as well as going on walks or listening to educational podcasts.  

Hannah Frankovic

Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Major

Target Graduation Date: June 2024

Next Step: Hannah was accepted to Norte Dame in a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering.

Hannah was instrumental in the acquisition, preliminary setup, and drafting of the SOP for Donbot, in additional to establishing synthesis approaches for SBA-15 variants and using ORCA to perform thermochemical calculations.

Henry Seely

Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Major

Target Graduation Date: June 2026

Co-Advised with Skip Rochefort

Project: Analytical characterization of waste plastic pyrolysate.

Stephen Stockton

Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Major

Target Graduation Date: June 2026

Project: Understanding silica-supported Mo single site structure during in-situ treatment with reductants using DRIFTS.

Emeritus Members

As of Spring 2024

Isaac Bridgeman

B.S. Chemical Engineering, Graduated June 2023

Current: Nuclear Engineer, Puget Sound Naval Shipyard & Intermediate Maintenance Facility, Department of the Navy, Bremerton, WA

Isaac was instrumental in the design and fabrication of Flexo and Nibbler (see Equipment in the Lab)!

Selena Moore

B.S. Chemical Engineering, Minor in Physics, University of Colorado

M.S. Chemical Engineering, Oregon State University, GEM Fellow, Graduated June 2024

Selena was the lead researcher in understanding the role of the dehydrogenation catalyst in Tandem Dehydrogenation & Olefin Metathesis (i.e., Alkane Metathesis).